Alright so I didn't spit out my coffee but I did blurt out a OMG!
In today's Parade Magazine there is a excerpt of the new book by a certain writer that is coming out on Tuesday. Well, let me say that when I do get my copy I will probably read it in an evening or two, but so far it sounds like it is going to be a battle between the (a) church and the brotherhood of Freemasons. In the excerpt a man is going through a (final) degree where he will finally have fully infiltrated the Masons or some appendant body where the final degree involves drinking wine from a skull?
Now, we all know that I have not joined any of the other bodies associated with Freemasonry but I have never heard of such a thing and I have read allot of esoteric stuff. The chamber of reflection involves a skull and crossed bones as a "memento mori", but drinking wine out of one? I guess I'm am still part of the unlearned underlings of the "real" power brokers in Masonry.
All I know is we better be as informed as we have ever been and be ready to answer allot of questions!
The wine from a skull was part of a break-away group that had it's own version of the "Scotch Rite" degrees. It dates back from the 1800s, and is not practiced by the current Scottish Rite jurisdictions.
But the old rituals are still in print and available on line. Somehow, those are the ones that the whacko anti-Masons manage to find.
Uh, not to divulge any secrets or anything, but the two of you have obviously never been through the York rite Knight Templar degree...
From the context, I assumed that the individual was taking a SR degree.
I'll likely post this comment countless times....
Just remember that Dan Brown is a fiction writer. This was illustrated in "The DaVinci Code". Unfortunately, not everyone understood that fact. The same will be true with "The Lost Symbol'. Questions will be raised, rumors will spread, and disinformation will abound. But the fact remains that this is a work of fiction.
@Tom: you are correct.
The problem with fiction is that it has a nasty way of becoming some peoples truth. Leo Taxil's trash still haunts the fraternity today!
I guess its a York Rite Knight Templar degree, wow! From a skull!
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