Damn me and my extensive email list!
Calm down, I said to myself, pay no attention to the gleaming purple and gold and get to grabbing all of the other officers stepping up that night and kick em into high gear!
So I did.
And we did.
Other than the fact that my brain, that was two sentences ahead, sometimes overrode my mouth. We put on an excellent degree topped of by our 21 year old Senior Deacons quite beautiful and masterful middle chamber lecture and me delivering an almost perfect and from the heart "G" lecture from the oriental chair. If I do say so myself, that lecture belongs with the Worshipful Master and should not be farmed out like it so often is around the lodges I go to.
The R.W. G.S.W. did not want to be received so he just sat on the sideline with the other regulars enjoying the show but when it came down to the final word, just after me and my big mouth said how it was wonderful to be in the East to pass a dear old friend, he the R.W. one grabbed our newest Fellowcraft and proceeded to see if my friend was indeed proficient in the preceding degree AND what he learned that night from his dear old friend in the East!
Let me just say that my friend, who is one of the most reserved and quiet men who ever came out of Waterford, Ireland, did me and our lodge proud by knowing and doing all of the tokens, words, and signs, including the ones he just learned for the first time, quite well and with no help from the sidelines. He did look like a deer in the headlights standing up in front of everyone next to this towering man in purple and gold but he performed. I was proud.
After it was all over I offered to do another F.C. for our WM so I could improve my performance to which he said "You'll have enough time next year my boy, hold your horses, it's still my year." He's always so right!
A couple of days later I went to our Grand Lodges "Masters of 2010 Seminar" which was quite informative and enjoyable and saw a few of my old friends and former bloggers Traveling Man of the now nonexistent Movable Jewel and Charles Tirrell of the extremely out of date Masonic Renaissance. Its hard to believe that just a couple of years ago we were all VERY VERY involved in the burgeoning Masonic Blogosphere and how it is so different now. It is very sad to me. I really enjoyed our time back then.
Last but not in the least bit least I also saw my friend and Masonic Blog mentor Tom Accuosti of the Tao of Masonry hawking Masonic books, knick knacks and what not for the Grand Lodge and after I got over my initial guffaw and indignation we had a great but short conversation about what it's like to be the last of a dying breed of bloggers and caught up on what was going on in our regular and Masonic lives. If there was only one good thing that came from my blog (and there is allot more) it would be me coming into contact and becoming friends with one of the kindest most rock steady Masons I know....and also Tom Accuosti. Just kidding Tom! I am really the better for knowing you and counting you as a friend and Brother.
All right, all right enough of the sappiness.
My time as Master is coming and I will be devoting my blog to litmus testing ideas I want to shove down the throats of my unsuspecting lodge so be ready!
I fear that you have awoken a sleeping dragon.
We should have been selling Dan Brown books; apparently people seem to get more out of them.
It was good to see you and Chas. outside of Facebook.
I live in the world of purple, as Master of the Grand Masters home lodge. Without being there I don't know the circumstances but I question why the GSW would question your new FC, what if he had done poorly ? Sounds like he was implying that as a friend you simply let him slide right through. He will be at my lodge this month as the Grand Line will perform the FC degree for us. I'll let you know how many times he needs prompting ;=)
Knowing the GSW as I do, I don't question why he asked the candidate such questions. I'm sure he knew the candidate would be able to answer them. Too often candidates go on to their next degrees without sufficient "proficiency." I hope on October 21 your candidates will be able to demonstrate suitable proficiency, too.
What degree on the 21st?
The officers of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut will perform the Fellowcraft Degree at St. Paul's Lodge No. 11, Litchfield, in their regular stations and places. DGM Charlie Buck will do the Middle Chamber lecture (thank goodness).
If I didn't have school on Wed. nights I would have soooo been there!
I'm sure the purple people won't do anything to embarrass the MWGM and I'm looking forward to another packed house. It has been a truly pleasurable year supporting him and watching our lodge develop. It would be shame if peacocks and pomposity were to make me want to join the Elks ;=)
I heard those Elks do some mighty fine ritual and who has ever heard of a pompos herbavore!
I'm sure the purple people won't do anything to embarrass the MWGM
Yeah, um, have you ever been to a Grand Lodge opening? I'm just saying, is all.
Well, I can't wait, having never been a Senior Deacon, or done that part in any degree. As to GL openings, were you actually there on time to see one?
Yes, Mr. Grand Smarty Pants, I've seen plenty of GL openings. 9 guys from 9 different lodges. What could possibly go wrong?
And how do you get to your posish without having been SD?
Yes, nine different lodges, nine different districts, at least everyone can say, "Hey, that's just the tradition in my lodge (district)." As to why I've never been SD, or JS, SS, or JW, well, it's a Zen kind of thing. If you don't avoid it, it will avoid you.
never been SD, or JS, SS, or JW
Wow - I guess we should check you for proficiency ;=)
Unfortunately too many lodges are so thin that willing/able bodies are fast tracked through the line.
Fortunately I had the opportunity to advance through every chair as part of a progressive line and now have had the honor to serve as Master of two different lodges.
The first thing I did in my affiliate lodge was to establish a progressive line since masonry is a progressive science and the seasoning of officers builds a cohesive unit and effective PM's.
Do we need effective PMs? Most of the ones that I know are already pretty good about sitting on the sidelines and complaining. How much more effective could they be?
it's a Zen kind of thing. If you don't avoid it, it will avoid you.
Oddly, that doesn't seem to work when I hope that trouble will avoid me.
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